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The DJ that our wedding venue recommends does an audio "love story" and it is played at the reception before the wedding party enters. Amanda and Bo were loving that idea but after seeing this "story" we might have to step it up a notch! It sure has got my wheels to turning! You know that what ever they come up with I can't show you till December ....after the wedding!
One thing I can show you is something I found a couple of weeks ago......
Remember the "Love Wins" charms that were created by Cherry of Cherry's Creations? After her pastor challenged everyone to multiply the dollar bill he handed out on Sunday morning Cherry made these cute charms and turned her $1 into $66+. Their church turned $125 into $750+! I added the plus because after showing the charms that I bought from Cherry's Etsy Store to the Bride she flipped over them and the "Love Wins" theme. (I told you she would!) We are incorporating both into their wedding and we will be ordering a bunch more from Cherry soon. We are going to sprinkle "Love Wins" through out the wedding and reception....It is the perfect slogan for our vintage baseball themed wedding! We're using the one in the middle that is a baseball!
So........when I found the following on Etsy .....I just had to order it for The Bride.

Is this not the cutest charm to wear on a necklace (one comes with it).

It came from this Etsy artist and she sent me a bookmark too!

Here's Julie's Bio ....
I am a SAHM of 2 young girls and I also substitute teach.I love art - I love to create and am trying to turn that passion for all things creative into something good. I also have a heart for Zambia and the GSM Zambia Satellite which empowers Zambian nationals to improve the lives of children and adults through education, nutrition, health care and faith. What drew me to GSM is that we don't dictate to the Zambians. We walk along beside them and THEY tell US what they need.At this time, the money I make from this shop is specifically going to teacher salaries at four different schools. Thank you for visiting my shop.
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
1 Cor 10:31 (NIV)
For more info about Good Samaritan Ministries, please see:
For more info about the Zambia Satellite, specifically, please see:
How awesome is this!? I am so amazed!
Julie...God is going to bless you over and over for your selfless dedication to these women of Zambia. I don't know if you will ever meet any of them but one day in heaven they will line up to give you hugs! You can't outgive God!
So girlfriends .....please take a minute to visit Julie's Etsy shop...
She has some really cute charms including a personalized photo charm of your loved one.
(Deb...I think you need to look into this! I'm seeing Bella's photo hanging on your purse! You know the one where she is waving!)
And check out while you are over there!
Love Wins
I'm so lovin it!
blessings from my delighted heart to yours!
I am in love with the charm and everything about this post! I've made a note of the scripture and I think that should be plastered everywhere. I know I am going to!
You have such a way of lifting me up and I hope you get to come to the grand opening! I've got a few little surprises for you. Jenn is going to try and come too!
This wedding will be like no other!
Shoot...can I get a charm in extra large to wear across my forehead?
The video is sooooo cute! I can not wait to see the one that you guys do! I love the wedding theme too!
<>< M2
I love those charms..I am kinda addicted to them..I might have to go buy that one now too!
Thanks for all the great links. I look forward to supporting these self-less women.
Patti, Graycie and I just got through rockin' out to the Supremes and Baby Love. We're going to play it again and dance a little more.
I wanted to let you know that I'll be there all day on Saturday or at least until the last body standing leaves!
Thank you thank you! Whenever you are ready, just let me know and I will get started!
Just an idea...
I have seen some of these charms tied to the wedding bouquet.
You have probably seen that in all your searching, but if not, I just wanted to toss that at you.
You sure are a treasure in yourself!
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