"Wedding Wednesday"Is a new feature I'm adding to the blog. Every Wednesday I plan on sharing some "Wedding Bliss" that I've discovered on my travels through wedding cyberspace.
Let me first introduce you to....
The Bride and The Groom. (You can read more about their engagement here.)
As some of you know, we have a wedding coming up in December and we are starting the planning process. December sounds like a long time off but really it isn't in the world of weddings. The Bride is an absolute doll! She is including me in everything even though I'm the Mother of the Groom. I've been designated as "Creative Consultant" (translate...gatherer of information and ideas). I absolutely love this type of thing and I love weddings so this is a perfect match for me. She and I have been brainstorming and coming up with some really fun ideas which I will be sharing with you. I'll also be showcasing different wedding blogs and websites....there's a HUGE amount of information and amazingly beautiful photos out there.
Not only is there lots and lots of information but some of it is soooo stinkin cute I just can't wait to share it with you!!!! So many cute ideas that just send me into major creative frenzy!!! And so many of these ideas can inspire you to do something non-wedding also! Just looking at all the creativeness (is that a word?)gets your mojo flowing! You are going to love all of this!!!!
The Bride loves the Modern Vintage look and The Groom is totally into sports ...having played baseball through college. She wants to honor him by incorporating a "vintage baseball theme" into the reception. How sweet is that?! They are both very fun-loving and they want to make this one rockin
P-A-R-T-Y! I am really excited about working out all the little details with The Bride and her family. (And she comes from an awesome family!)
Let me know if you are a bride, mother of the bride, or mother of the groom (like me) or have a wedding blog...I'd love to hear from you and see what you are doing!
And I'm open to any suggestions or creative ideas you all you creative people can come up with also.
One thing we are looking for is some vintage silverplate baseball trophy loving cups to use at the reception. I know they are VERY collectable but I'd like to borrow or "rent" some if we can't find any to buy. Keep your eyes open for me some all you trash and treasure hunters! I'm believing someone is going to find me some at a VERY reasonable price!
This First Wedding Wednesday is now close to becoming a Wedding Thursday since this post is so late but I promise next week I'll get it posted earlier in the day! Who knows...this may turn into a full blown blog by next week! I'm already thinking Wedding Wednesday is a lame name. You all now know the the players and the theme.....throw me out some names for a mother of the groom wedding blog and if one fits ....I'll give away a prize! Oohhh...another contest!
You know how I love contests...
I've been finding all sorts of contests in the wedding blogs.
In fact I won one this week!
A 50.00 iTunes card !
I happened upon a contest that Stacie Tamaki was having at her website
Stacie is an awesome wedding planner in the San Francisco area and has put this website together that has fun ideas for weddings and parties. You have to go check it out! Read more about her here.....She also designs these cute little brides and then has a contest to name them.

Introducing Lulu!
Yes ... I named her and won the iTunes card!
(Now I'm motivated to learn how to use my iPod!)
Thanks so much Stacie!
And Stacie has redefined the meaning of "Flirty". In her own words....
Being Flirty: I feel I have redefined the word to mean someone who knows how to embrace the concept of expressing her or himself in a truly carefree and positive manner. Someone unafraid to flirt with all of the wonderful and endless possibilities that life has to offer. To me, being flirty isn't about attracting the opposite sex. It's not an age or income level. It's a state of mind. It's about being daring and enjoying the experience as YOU try new things and dare to be different as you define who you are.
I think this fits me to a T!
In fact I think it fits a lot of us chiks!
(In fact I think this is a close definition of "Chik")
We're Flirty Chiks!
Go by and check out Stacie's rockin Flirty Guide!
Tell her Lulu's Momma sent ya!
Bless ya'll
from my "Flirty" and Delighted Heart to Yours!