Monday, December 29, 2008

Better Late Than Never!


I'm only a week late in getting this card out to you!

Hope you and your families had the best Christmas ever!

We did!

Jesus is the true reason for the season!

Thank you Lord for this wonderful time!

Belated Christmas

Blessings and Hugs!

from my delighted Christmas heart to yours!



ajunkqueen said...

Glad to see you are back after Christmas. Your blog looks good I am having trouble still I want a header and something besides black background! Getting soe help this week.

trash talk said...

It's never too late for that greeting and reminder. We had a wonderful time, so glad you did too. Debbie

Sue said...

Hi Patti,
Hope you had a great Christmas with your family. Thanks for the nice comments on my blog. I remember for so long I felt like what they called the "sandwich generation", balancing my own kids and aging parents. I really believe in my heart my mom and dad are so much happier now. It's always nice hearing from you. Have a wonderful New Year and just think, next year we will both of new little babies to celebrate the holidays with! Take care, Sue

sparkled*life said...

Love you Mrs. V I liked this card so much!