4 Angels Momma's blog and they really got me thinking. (Along with her beautiful post...)
These works of art were created by .....
All of this got me to thinkin......about using my hands...
And about how powerful this blogging can be.
We bloggers using our hands (and computers) can choose to post or not to post.
Or choose to comment or not to comment. We choose to bless or not to bless.
The Lord says in Deuteronomy 30:19..."I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live."
Choosing to bless others with your blog post and comments brings life not only to the reader but to you and your descendants. Wow...that your kids may have life too! I always want my kids in that catagory! It's like reaping and sowing. Sow blessings...reap blessings! Sow cursing...you know exactly what you will reep! (now I know you all are not going to sow cursing but sowing negative comments is like sowing death to the reader.) As to this date I have not received any negative comments...that's not why I'm writing this!
Paul said in his letter to the Ephesians 4:29..."Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers."
Corrupt...decayed, rotten ...like meat.
Edification.....to edify; to lift one up.
Grace....unmerited favor.
Let no stinking rotten words proceed from your blog (or mouth), but what is positive to lift one up, that it may give a thrill (unmerited favor) to those reading (or hearing).
I like that! I think I'm just going to print that on a little card and stick it on my monitor for a reminder! (I know, I know.... I'm preaching to myself cause you all leave only thrilling comments!)
Ok....so I'm thinkin back to Mr. Sandman.....He was using what was in his hand to impart a blessing to others. Taking this beyond the blogosphere......what have you got in your hand that you can use to bless someone else today? A cell phone can make a call to someone who needs encouraging. A camera can take photos and print them to share a memory with someone. A spoon in your hand can make dinner or cookies for someone in need. A book in your hand can read to someone who can't see. Flowers in your hand can make someone smile! A smile on your face can light up someone's day. OK....OK....you get the picture? :-))
Check out this post from yesterday. Debbie from Talking Trash is asking everyone to "pay it forward". Go find someone in blogland who needs an encouraging word ...someone going through a hard time.... someone who needs grace and impart that to them. You will be surprised at what happens next.....open your eyes and watch so as not to miss the blessing!
So Mr. Sandman left this to bless us.
How many people saw it that day before the wind
blew the sand off the sidewalk?
I don't know but thanks to 4 Angels Momma Debbie
lots of folks now are getting the thrill!
beautiful words that day....... (read more here)
"Love is what remains.....
love can never be erased."
"Faith, hope and love.
And the greatest of these is love."
1 Corinthians 13:13
I'd say that both the Debbies have got it goin on!
I'd say that both the Debbies have got it goin on!
They are definitely using what's in their hands!
from my Delighted Heart to yours....
Be Blessed!
p.s. I want to thank all who have left comments for me....I am so blessed by all the sweet, kind, and awesome words! You all are amazing! And a big thank you to 4 Angels Momma for the use of her photos and the inspiration! You rock!
"Sow blessings, reap blessings"...I love this. Again you leave me speechless. This is the way I want to express myself, but I guess that's not God's plan for me, but through His never ending grace, He allows me to at least get to experience it. This is a wonderful reminder of why we are here-to reach out and touch and be touched in return. And on a lighter note, I surely don't want to cheat myself out of a blessing! Thanks so much for starting my day out right. Looking forward to tomorrow! Debbie
Oh Patti, I am so touched and absolutely speechless. Your precious words came at a time when I really needed to hear them. I will treasure this post.
I think you are a very special lady.
Thank you, dear heart.
Thank you for your encouraging words! I felt bad complaining about not being able to build our new dream house when I started thinking about so many people losing their homes. I am very grateful today and happy in my small lake home. I know our plans are not always God's plans! I was happy to get the proceed check from the sale of our 1 1/2 acre lot today. God is Good & I Trust Him!
Have a Super Weekend!
I know that you always bring smiles to my face everytime I am around you! What blessing it is to call you my fabulous friend! I love you so much Mrs. Patti!
Hello my Texas Sugar Pie friend! Wow what an awesome post!! Your words are like pure honey to my heart! So sweet and nourishing! Such good advice, filled with God's wonderful Word and love. "choose life..." that's what I want to do. Everything we say is a seed and will produce a harvest. Thank you for taking the time to write about being a blessing to others! You are so wise and adorable to boot!
(By the way I got another interesting comment from "my friend" I hope she comes by to read your wonderful words!
Lots of hugs your way!
Very cool post. Sorry it took me so long to respond to my award. I have been out of town & just got back. Thank you so very much. I am honored.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)
Great post! Thanks for the message. ~Mindy
Thank you for the reminder to take time to encourage others. I've been going to call someone the past few days but just didn't stop to do it.
I believe in always 'paying it forward'.
It should be the lifestyle of those who love the Lord to always be encouraging and lifting others up.
Barbara jean
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